Approvals & CertificationsApprovals & Certifications

Select a link below to view specific approvals or certifications.

ISO 9001:2015:

Valworx Certificate of Registration ISO 9001:2015

Valworx Certificate of Compliance: (Request when placing an order for Valworx products.)

Example - Valworx Certificate of Compliance

RoHS Certificate of Compliance:

RoHS Certificate of Compliance - Valworx Air Actuators and Assemblies

RoHS Certificate of Compliance - Valworx Air Actuators and Assemblies- Scotch Yoke

RoHS Certificate of Compliance - Valworx Electric Actuators and Assemblies

RoHS Certificate of Compliance - Valworx Manual Valves

RoHS Certificate of Compliance - Valworx Sanitary Valves

REACH Declaration:

REACH Declaration

PFAS Declaration:

PFAS Declaration

TCSA Declaration:

TCSA Declaration

Product Approvals: (Click link to third party product certification listing)

ATEX Certification to EX h IIC TX Gb / EX h IIIC TX Db - Valworx 5320/5321 Explosion Proof Scotch Yoke Air Actuators

CSA Certification to UL Class I Div I, et al - Valworx 5818 Explosion Proof Electric Actuators

CSA Certification to UL-429 - Valworx 5617 and 5618A/C Electric Actuators

CSA Certification to CSA C22.2 - Valworx 5617 and 5618A/C Electric Actuators

ETL/Intertek Certification to UL-429 - Valworx 5618 Electric Actuators

ETL/Intertek Certification to CSA C22.2 - Valworx 5618 Electric Actuators

NSF Certification to NSF/ANSI 61 Potable Drinking Water and NSF/ANSI 372 Lead Free - Valworx 5402, 5510, 5514 PVC Valves

IAPMO Certification to NSF/ANSI 61 Potable Drinking Water- Valworx 5254, 5368, 5369 Brass Ball Valves

IAPMO Certification to NSF/ANSI 372 Lead Free - Valworx 5254, 5368, 5369 Brass Ball Valves